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Note that records displayed on ENB are for applications deemed administratively complete after January 1, 2018 and are only available on ENB for 30 days following the final decision date. Please visit the DEC Issued Permits webpage to view issued permits older than 30 days.
Search Results
Project/Activity NameTownActivity TypeStatusENB IDPermit #
006-017 Salisbury Comm. Daycare SalisburyPublic Water System Source PermitIn Review PN24.0031907 S-4278-24.0
100 Dorset Street South BurlingtonGeneral Permit 3-9050 Notice of Intent: For Operational Stormwater DischargesIn Review PN24.0035582 8676-9050.1
105-107US2-SouthAlburgh AlburghWetlands After the Fact PermitDraft Decision / Comment PN25.0000349 2015-368
1093 Polly Hubbard Rd GeorgiaWetlands Individual PermitDraft Decision / Comment PN24.0065243 2024-0107.01
110 and 120 Kimball Avenue South BurlingtonGeneral Permit 3-9050 Notice of Intent: For Operational Stormwater DischargesDraft Decision / Comment PN25.0002540 7812-9050
120 State Street Driveway Improvements MontpelierGeneral Permit 3-9050 Notice of Intent: For Operational Stormwater DischargesIn Review PN22.0015931 3229-9050.1
122 Gallison Hill MontpelierWetlands DeterminationIn Review PN20.0052383 2014-051.D
131 Goddard Nisbet Road MorristownGeneral Permit 3-9050 Notice of Intent: For Operational Stormwater DischargesDraft Decision / Comment PN24.0054627 9783-9050
1412 Route 78 Highgate HighgateWetlands Individual PermitIn Review PN23.0000255 2022-0936
1445 Underpass Rd Sutton SuttonWetlands After the Fact PermitIn Review PN25.0001955 2021-1073
145 Maquam Shore Rd SwantonWetlands General Permit AuthorizationDraft Decision / Comment PN25.0001895 2024-0619
1511 Barberry Hill Rd Woodstock WoodstockWetlands Individual PermitIn Review PN25.0004712 2024-1084
1653_PlunktonRd_Warren WarrenWetlands After the Fact PermitFinal Decision / Appeal PN24.0058560 2024-0898
17 Black Walnut LLC GeorgiaPublic Water System Source PermitIn Review PN23.0037117 S-3482-17.0
1704 Main St FairfaxWetlands Individual PermitDraft Decision / Comment PN25.0002299 2024-0478
1720 W Echo Lake Rd - Charleston CharlestonWetlands After the Fact PermitFinal Decision / Appeal PN24.0061552 2024-0811
18098-St. Pierre, Jamie (Polly Hubbard Rd, Georgia) GeorgiaStormwater General Permit 3-9020 (CGP) for Low Risk Projects: Notice of IntentFinal Decision / Appeal PN25.0002895 9264-9020
1876MountainViewRoad- Williston WillistonWetlands General Permit AuthorizationIn Review PN25.0001605 2024-0946
192 and 157 Winhall Hollow Road WinhallWetlands After the Fact PermitIn Review PN23.0050221 2023-1082
2000 Lost Nation Rd Berkshire BerkshireWetlands After the Fact PermitDraft Decision / Comment PN24.0060886 2023-0737
Activity Info


  1. "Permit" includes any permit, certification, license, registration, determination, or similar form of permission required from the Department by law.
  2. "General permit" means a permit that applies to a class or category of discharges, emissions, disposal, facilities, or activities within a common geographic area, including the entire State or a region of the State.
  3. "Application Received" means the date the application has been received by the Department.
  4. "Administratively Complete Application" means an application for a permit or notice of intent under a general permit for which all initially required documentation has been submitted, and any required permit fee, and the information submitted initially addresses all application requirements but has not yet been subjected to a complete technical review. For purposes of a general permit, it shall be considered administratively complete when the draft general permit has been placed on public notice.
  5. "Technical Review" means the application of scientific, engineering, or other professional expertise to the facts to determine whether activity for which a permit is requested meets the standards for issuing the permit under statute and rule.
  6. "Draft Decision/Draft Permit" follows the completion of a Technical Review for most activities.
  7. "Public Comment Period" if applicable, will be held for at least 14 days after the draft decision or permit has been issued. Public comments can only be submitted during this time frame.
  8. "Appeal Period" will be held for 30 days after the final decision or final permit has been issued. Once the appeal period has ended the activity will no longer be on public notice.
Public Notice Timeline
Draft Decision
Final Decision
Public Meeting(s)**
Public meetings are held for public discussion of the project and soliciting public feedback. Keep in mind that meeting times and locations are subject to change. Please check back prior to the meeting date to stay informed of any changes.
Location    ( View Project Location in ANR Atlas )
If the latitude and longitude are unknown or there are multiple locations in which the activity will take place, the map may reflect the center of the primary town listed on the application.
Project activity is in multiple locations, zoom in on the map to view.
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For some activities more documentation may be available. Please contact the staff person listed on this page if you would like to make a request.